November 26, 2005

Phillip & Patty Kenley

This sick couple is wanted for sexually molesting his 11 year old son. Both were involved... she molested and he watched! Arrest warrants were issued in June of 1997 after the couple fled to escape prosecution. Have you seen them?
If you spot these jerks, call the police at (972) 547-5125 or 911.

November 18, 2005

David Ludwig & Kara Beth Borden



Law enforcement is still not calling Kara Beth Borden a suspect & I have to admit I may have been wrong... I remember "puppy love" when I was that age and I can't say I would kill my parents for a guy (or with a guy) but I do remember thinking my boyfriend was the most important thing in the world! I imagine the fear in this situation would overpower any rational thinking on Kara's part. I know we will hear more about this case in the coming months. CourtTV has an article posted today about David Ludwig's past, which includes an 18 minute video of he and a friend discussing a late night, armed invasion into peoples homes.

As stated in the CourtTV article, "Ludwig and Samuel P. Lohr, 19, are shown in the video taking guns from Ludwig's house to a home and discussing using them to "shoot and kill family members inside of the residence," according to a search warrant issued Thursday to Warwick Township police. Police said another teen in the 18-minute video told them that the aborted break-in was among several such "late night armed 'plans of forcible entry"' that he and David Ludwig conducted."

Another article I found at Lancaster Online talks more about David Ludwig and his friend:

"David Ludwig and his friend called it “night patrol.” Dressed in dark clothing, the two filmed themselves as they readied to break into a local home with assault rifles and other guns, according to a new court document. In low voices, the two discussed shooting and killing a family inside the home during the chilling 18-minute film. Passing traffic foiled their plan, the court document said.

During the film, they discussed “having sex with Kara and Katelyn Borden, that the sex would constitute statutory rape and the potential to have to shoot a guy named ‘Jonathan’ if he found out about it.” It is not clear from the court document when the film was made, or whether the pair ever did continue on to the Borden home the night the film was made.But the friend did tell police that he and Ludwig had taken guns and gone out on several occasions on “night patrol,” with “plans of forcible entry,” according to the court documents.

As the investigation has unfolded, friends of the young couple have said how Ludwig and Borden were having a sexual relationship and in recent weeks had become more and more withdrawn from others.Ludwig, friends said, told them how he had been sneaking into the Borden home at night to be with his young girlfriend. He also reportedly told a friend that he believed he could “kill someone and get away with it, disappear and nobody would find me.’’

Borden’s Web site revealed a friend’s warning that the relationship with the older teen is a “mistake,’’ and that Ludwig could go to jail. “We couldn’t of told anyone,’’ Kara Borden replied to her friend.


David Ludwig & Kara Beth Borden

Eighteen-year-old David Ludwig was captured in Indiana today with 14-year-old Kara Beth Borden. The two led police on a high speed chase before crashing into a tree. As reported by the Associated press, one trooper stated, "Kara Borden was emotional as she left the car, adding "she was just frantic, crying, screaming." Police are questioning Ludwig but the law prohibits them from questioning Kara without an adult present. We haven't heard yet if the girl was abducted or went along willingly with Ludwig.

I have to wonder if Kara exhibits the behavior of one who is being kidnapped. I don't think she does. The one bit of info that struck me was that Ludwig did not have a gun at the time of his arrest. If he were holding Kara hostage, wouldn't he need a weapon to keep hostage? I guess he could have thrown the gun when he saw the police but I am sure the police would have seen it!
I believe Kara Beth could have come out of the car screaming because she was just going 90-95 miles an hour with the police chasing her and then hit a tree! I would be screaming to!


Steve Huff's The Darkside

November 12, 2005

WANTED: Daniel William Hiers


HIERS is wanted for the shooting murder of his wife and sexual molested of a child. He is a former police officer with 11 years of experience and is proficient in police tactics and procedures. He is also trained in the martial arts and maintains a high level of fitness. He has stated that he will not go to prison, is possibly suicidal and may force an armed confrontation. Use extreme caution, HIERS is believed to be in possession of a .40 glock pistol and and bullet-resistant vest.
Police think Hiers may be in Mexico after his dead wife's car was found abandoned in a hospital parking lot in Laredo, Texas, just miles from the Mexican border. The red Chevrolet Aveo had no license plates and the Vehicle Identification Number had been pried off the dashboard.
Police say Hiers had been sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl who he met at a karate center. Police say she was molested at her home and in his car, and North Charleston police arrested him in late November 2004. He was later released from jail on a $25,000 personal recognizable bond, but was a no-show on March 15, 2005 when he was scheduled to meet his lawyer for his prearranged surrender.
Police say Hiers' wife, Ludimila, was found shot to death in the bedroom on March 15, 2005. She had been shot in the head sometime between 7a.m. and noon. Neighbors say they saw Hiers walking in and out of the house early that afternoon, but by early evening, Hiers was missing along with his wife's car. Two weeks later, investigators were able to gather enough evidence to officially charge Hiers with his wife's murder.
If you see Daniel "Danny" Hiers, call 911 or if you have any information please call 1-800-CRIME-TV.

November 11, 2005

Missing Persons Blog

I have a new blog titled MISSING CHILDREN & ADULTS. This blog features missing people (children & adults) in the United States.

Please help find these people and take a look... You never know.

November 10, 2005

Aruba Boycott II

The following is a post that was made on Riehl World View a couple of days ago in response to one of Dan's rants about the Aruba Boycott. I contacted the author for permission to use his words because it explains the effects of a boycott as well as a well stated view of this case. Thank you Dan in TX!

"NOTE: this post has been edited accordingly, in response to an excerpt from Scared Monkeys on 11/09/05: "The biggest concern is the fact that 27 percent consider Aruba to be an unsafe place to go to. Aruba has dropped from the second to the seventh place on the list of safe vacation destinations and is now almost at the same level as Jamaica and the Dominican Republic."-Jossy Mansur, Diario

Aruba Now, I can't independently verify this 27 % figure but I will use it in my calculations since it is a hard number at least. About the boycott: it might not be felt much now (though bestbuddy said it was being felt already), but the boycott will be felt in the coming months. So, going back to my recreation and tourism degree:
1. The fact that travel companies are offering discount packages at all is actually a sign of worry on their part. Consider this: let's say that (on average) it costs $100 per night for a 3 star hotel in Aruba. Jossy Mansur says that a 10-day trip to Aruba costs about $1400 per person altogether. Now assume that of this, 50% is hotel lodging- an expense of $70 per day. Let's say that hotel has 100 rooms, has 100% occupancy (very rare for any hotel) and so turns $7,000 a day. Then the boycott hits and in time the occupancy drops to 82% (27% of 70%=about 18% of 100%). Now the hotel only sees $5,740 per day. BUT...what if they offer a 10% discount on all rooms to combat the boycott? Even if their occupancy jumps back up to 100% , at $63 per room per night they are still LOSING $700 per day ($7000-$6300)! In short, offering a big discount on packages and keeping numbers up is better than suffering a flat-out occupancy cut but it is only damage mitigation, NOT a solution. Since Caribbean hotels operate on no more than a 30% profit margin if they're lucky (Source: American Hotel Lodging Association), that means that a 10% discount rate takes away 1/3 of their profit....and if 1/3 of your profit is $7 per hundred your profit margin is dangerously slim anyway.
2. To help recoup these losses and raise occupancy again, the travel industry in Aruba is going to have to spend MORE on more advertising- thus cutting into their profit margin even deeper.
3. A lot of people will be unwilling to cancel their prior reservations to Aruba when the boycott is called due to time constraints or cancellation penalties. The issue is not how many people don't go to Aruba now, it is how many don't go in the coming months. When you consider that Aruba has nothing special to offer over any other Caribbean or Pacific island, things look even worse.
4. As Jossy suggested, if the travel agencies prefer to suggest alternative packages to make up their commissions (see #2 above), then my guess is the cruise lines will also feel this. Remember: the boycott doesn't just affect travel packages, it will affect cruise lines as well. Let's look at this snowball effect for a minute: how many cruise lines will choose to keep stopping in Aruba if the travel agencies that refer guests to them stop referring guests as much, especially given the rising cost of fuel? The same is true for airlines. When one considers this boycott, you have to remember the ripples that a dip in one industry causes to other industries: if Aruban tourism drops- or I should say when (but keep in mind that it will take months for the full impact of this boycott to be felt)- so do the many guided tours in Aruba, the restaurants and clubs and bars, the souvenir shops, even the bordellos! Think about it this way: what would 9/11 have done to the U.S. economy if it were TOTALLY dependent on the WTC businesses? Incidentally, this is where Harry Tho's article on his website is wrong. Look at all the U.S. corporations that he claims might lose business due to an aggressive Aruban boycott. Ask yourself how many are linked to Aruban tourism. Of those, ask yourself which ones will not be able to conduct business elsewhere. Remember, if tourists abandon Aruba and flock to the Bahamas let's say, so will the companies that support the tourism industry. Harry talks as if these companies will go bankrupt if they lose Aruban contracts or at least fail to negotiate new contracts. The truth is, long before they start to lose significant profits through lost contracts in Aruba, they'll have other contracts lined up elsewhere if they're smart. Offshore businesses that profit from Aruban tourism will follow the tourists. To say that the death of Aruban tourism will be anything more than a blip in the U.S. or even Alabama economy is ridiculous. Dan on RWV: 105 million dollars of trade with the U.S. isn't squat. Get a clue- the U.S has a total trade deficit of 400 BILLION dollars. If you think that 105 million dollars worth of trade with the Netherlands Antilles is even a drop in the bucket, then you need to take ECON 101 again.
5. The U.S. makes up 70% of Aruba's tourism income. That means 30% comes from everywhere else. Assuming that all tourists to Aruba spend the same amount (and since the U.S. is, in general, a quite prosperous nation the truth is Americans probably spend the most per person): $1,400 let's say (again, Jossy's number). So for every 100 tourists, $98,000 comes from the U.S. and $42,000 from everyone else (a total of $140,000). What happens if 27% of Americans stop going to Aruba (a total loss of 18% of Aruban tourism)? We get a flat loss of $25,200!
6. The question remains, can Aruba make up this 27% elsewhere? Perhaps, but can they make up the amount of income? Remember, numbers do not equal income. If Aruba can make up the difference from the boycott with European visitors but these visitors spend less than Americans, they're still in the hole. And don't think that just because the Euro is stronger than the USD right now that Europeans will spend more- there's a nasty little thing called inflation that goes along with this that actually robs people of spending power. When the dollar is worth more, everything costs more. And when everything at home costs more, you have less to spend on vacation.
7. Moreso than many businesses, tourism and hospitality tend to pay disproportionately to the managers and owners over the laborers. In other words, in such a strongly service-oriented industry, few people are white collar and most are blue collar. As any economist will tell you, pay cuts hurt the least-paid workers from a standard of living standpoint the most and soonest. Let's say we have an Aruban hotel with one manager, 3 assistant managers, 3 shift supervisors, and 20 maids, cooks, porters, etc. Assume the manager makes $60,000 a year, the assistant managers make $45,000 a year, the shift supers make $30,000 a year, and the others make $15,000 a year. Now let's say that the boycott causes a significant loss of the hotel's business and everyone has to take a 10% pay cut just to keep their jobs. The manager now makes $54,000 a year, the assistant managers make $40,500, the supervisors make $27,000, and- here's the important part-the laborers make $13,500. Assuming a 40 hour work week 50 weeks (allowing for two weeks vacation since Arubans seem to take vacations left and right), that means the laborers went from making $7.50 an hour to making $6.75 an hour. The manager, however, went from making $30 an hour to making $27 an hour. Now- whose lifestyle do you think will be hurt most? Which of these people are living the closest to broke to begin with? Finally, consider this: what percentage of Aruban VOTERS work in the bottom tier of the labor force and will be very upset about the economy very fast? Let me remind you that even in a prosperous nation like the U.S. blue collar jobs outnumber white collar jobs significantly. I imagine this dichotomy is even worse in a Third World country like Aruba.
8. Nobody is going to keep a business open in a financially worthless location or conduct business there (see #4). Do you think that the Marriott or the HI will keep their hotels open for a 25% or even a 50% occupancy rate out of the goodness of their hearts, just to give Arubans jobs? What do you think will happen when the stockholders start crying foul? Most Caribbean hotels and motels operate at a 20-30% profit margin. This means that if you want to make money you can't lower rates more than about 15-25%. But by the time profit margins are down to 10%, most of your stockholders will sell out. So how do you avoid losing money if you're a stockholder with a failing company? You sell and get out (there are other companies to invest in after all), or you close locations that are showing consistent losses.
If you show me a person who criticizes Beth for calling for a boycott and hurting the Aruban people, I will show you an idiot who still thinks the boycott was called because of what happened to Natalee. Beth- and now Dave too bless him- are supporting a boycott because of how the investigation was mishandled and how it continues to be mishandled. Apparently now even Dan the sellout at RWV is beginning to understand that Beth is using the only weapon she has- and she is using it with a vengeance. As a staunch supporter of the boycott on Aruba, I like the numbers I am seeing.
- Courtesy of Dan in Tx

November 9, 2005

Carlie Brucia

On Sunday, February 1, 2004, in Sarasota, Florida, 11-year-old Carlie Brucia was on her way home from a sleepover at her friend's house. Her step-father was on his way to pick her up in route but never found her. Carlie, decided to cut through a car wash not far from her home and was approached by a man that led her away... never to be seen alive again. The surveillance camera at the car wash (shown left) pictured a man in a uniform type shirt approaching Carlie, saying something to her, and then leading her away.
After receiving tips as to the identification of the man, the Sarasota police questioned and eventually arrested Joseph P. Smith. Smith, a 39-year-old former auto mechanic and father of three daughters, was charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping and capital sexual battery. He has pleaded not guilty. He could be sentenced to death if he is convicted in the slaying. Smith is currently on trial for Carlie's murder. Smith has a past criminal record, including some assault and battery charges but no sex related crimes. Eventually Smith confessed to his Mom & brother and this information led to the discovery of Carlie's body.
It is sickening to me that taxpayer dollars are being spent taking this case to court. They have a video tape of Smith abducting Carlie, Smith's confession that leads them to the body & DNA evidence left on Carlie's clothing! Helllllooooo... Isn't this an open and shut case? Why the heck is this jerk pleading not guilty and wasting money, time & resources of so many people. Sometimes our judicial system is great but sometimes it stinks! I think these criminals want their 15 minutes of fame and enjoy the attention and getting out of the jail cell. Amazing!

November 7, 2005

Aruba Boycott I

11/8/05- UPDATE: It happened!
Gov. Riley has called for a boycott of travel to Aruba by US citizens.

"There are no other alternatives to get Aruban authorities to take this as seriously as they should," Riley said. Riley has asked the governors of the other 49 states to join him in urging a boycott of Aruba on behalf of the family of Natalee Holloway. According to KFDX, "Riley said the state house had already passed a resolution on the boycott, and the senate is expected to follow. Riley says he will ask every governor in the United States to boycott Aruba as well."

I was unable to find more information about how the House and Senate is involved. I will update when I do.
Wow! This case has turned out to be a real mess! The latest news on the Natalee Holloway case is that the Governor of Alabama (Bob Riley) will call for a boycott from travel to Aruba tomorrow. A press conference is scheduled for Gov. Riley and Beth Twitty to announce the boycott. Check out the argument between Jayne Weintraub, Arlene Schipper & Wendy Murphy on MSNBC. See the Videa as posted on Blogs for Natalee.

A few days ago, Natalee's parents asked the Aruban Gov't to assign a whole new team of investigators/prosecution to the case. They feel the current team has messed up royally. I am sure they believe this case will never be solved if the same people continue to work the case as they have. I could not agree more! Unfortunately, that request was denied. The sad part about this whole case is that the evidence is most likely gone. The authorities did not do what they should've from the beginning and now look where we are. I think the authorities are covering something up or failed to investigate this case on purpose.

Even Dave Holloway is fed up! Two days ago, Dave gave an interview and one thing that Dave stated really stuck "they only do something when the 'heat' from the media is on them.."

Boycott Aruba
View Joran's photo slide show - See Joran in all his glory..

Your comments are always welcome!

November 6, 2005

Have you seen Maura Murray?

Missing Person: Maura Murray

The disappearance of Maura Murray is quite strange. She disappeared after she was involved in an accident. A witness spoke with Maura and went to call police. By the time police arrived, Maura was gone! Who came along that night and took Maura?

Maura Murray, a 21-year-old University of Massachusetts nursing student disappeared the night of February 9, 2004, after she was involved in a one-car crash on Route 112 in Haverhill. Maura Murray, a resident of Hanson, Mass., and a junior at the UMass Amherst campus, was driving a black 1996 Saturn at about 7 p.m. when she failed to negotiate a sharp left-hand curve and went off the right side of Route 112 after driving past The Weathered Barn.

A witness stopped and spoke with Maura then called police from their nearby home. When police arrived 10 minutes later Maura was missing. Since February 9th, Maura's bank account, credit cards and cell phone have had no activity. Maura is a 22 year old Hanson, MA native, a UMASS Amherst nursing student and a former USMA West Point Cadet.

Download Maura Murray's Missing Persons Poster

If you have seen Maura or if you have any information regarding her whereabouts, please contact: New Hampshire State Police Major Crimes Unit - Lt. Russ Conte at: 1-603-271-2663

November 5, 2005

Makes me sick!!

CourtTV has an article on their website about a woman who was convicted of sexually abusing an 8 year old! Yes, an 8 year old! I do not even have any words to respond to this crime. I am outraged! See article below:

Connecticut woman sentenced to six years for abusing daughter's playmate
Nov. 4, 2005, 4:00 p.m. ET

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — A 30-year-old secretary was sentenced Friday to six years in prison for sexually abusing her daughter's 8-year-old playmate.
Tammy Imre of Stratford had pleaded guilty to two counts of risk of injury to a minor, a reduced charge that the boy's family accepted to spare both children time on the witness stand.
"I'm truly sorry for everything," she said during Friday's sentencing hearing.
Imre was arrested last November on sexual assault charges after the boy's mother found a love letter that Imre wrote to her son. In the letter, police said Imre told the boy that she doesn't "want anyone but you. Now tomorrow it's supposed to rain, you can come over we can (you know what). Love ya! I want you!" Imre admitted engaging in sexual acts with the boy but said it stopped short of sexual intercourse. "When this was first in the paper, it was almost a joke, because of the role reversal," prosecutor Cornelius Kelly said. "It conjures up thoughts of, 'Oh, that's a young man's dream.' But as we stand here today, we still don't know what damage this will have on the young boy's self-esteem, his interpersonal relationships. We don't know what damage the young girl suffered." Imre's daughter, who witnessed some of the acts, is now in foster care, authorities said. "She has hurt a lot of innocent people, including her own daughter, who not only lost her mother, but her best friend, who was my son," the boy's mother told the judge. Defense attorney Donald Papcsy said Imre is a rape victim and suffers from a mental problem that made it hard for her to know that what she did was wrong. "This sexual trauma had a severe impact," he said. "She's not a wicked person." Besides the prison term, Imre was sentenced to 10 years probation, during which she must register as a sex offender.
Article URL:

November 4, 2005

Missing Child: Asha Degree

Asha Degree has been missing from her home in Shelby, North Carolina since February 14, 2000. She was 9 years old at the time of her disappearance. Asha's father last saw her at approximately 2:30 a.m. while she was asleep in her bedroom. By dawn, her parents were unable to locate her anywhere in the house. Along with Asha, her black bookbag and purse were missing from her room.

((---- Asha Degree- Aged Progessed photo to 13 years.

Few leads have developed except that morning motorists reported spotting her walking along North Carolina Highway 18 in Shelby, NC at 4am. It's believed she left on her own, but then met trouble. A massive search began, hundreds of volunteers, law officers, rescue workers, combing dense woods around State Road 18 where Asha was last seen.

In August 2001, Asha's book bag and purse (along with a pair of men's pants and some animal bones) were discovered by a construction worker in a wooded area along N.C. 18, forty miles down the highway on which Asha was last seen, but it yielded no clues to her current whereabouts.

In November 2004, acting on a tip an inmate at the Cleveland County jail, authorities searched an area about six miles from Asha's home and dug up some bones at the corner of Shelby and Rube Spangler roads in Lawndale, but those remains proved to be animal, not human.

This case remains unsolved. If you have information about Asha Degree, call the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office at (704) 484-4888.

An age progressed photo can be found at the Missing Kids website. Asha Degree would be 14 years old today.

November 2, 2005

Oprah's Show Today

Today's oprah show really moved me to action! The show was about sexual slavery (child sex slaves) within the US and abroad. She has taken a stand for the children and has implemented a letter (or e-mail) writing campaign to our Senators and congressmen/woman. I really believe in writing campaigns and most of them I have been involved in have WORKED.

Please see Oprah's page with sample letters or an e-mail sample you can copy and paste and e-mail your Senators & Congressmen/woman. Find your states representatives here. I just finished e-mailing my own representatives and it makes me feel good. However, the power is in numbers, so please write today.

I was personally compelled to write an e-mail to President Bush as well- I figure it doesn't hurt, right? Please contact me or post any other letter writing campaigns you know of.

On Crime

New Website

I sent up a new domain name to share my blog. Please visit to access this blog in the future!

I am new at this blogging thing so please bear with me while I learn how to set this up the way I want...

Make it a great day :)

Beth Bashers...

I understand we all have opinions about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway but what I don't understand is all this hatred towards Beth. What is it about this mother that makes people spew hatred from one blog to another? I notice this when I visit Scared Monkeys , The Political Teen & Riehl World View... among others.
I could not possibly imagine losing a daughter & there is no way I could sit here and tell you how I would react if I did. I don't think anyone could! So what gives these people the right to judge her and what she does?
Lately we have heard numerous rumors about the money Beth has collected from donors & what she is doing with it. We have also heard about Jug Twitty and his supposed 'shady' business transactions. BUT... What the heck does this have to do with Natalee???

November 1, 2005

Tara Grinstead

Missing Person Website: Tara Grinstead (

Here is what we know about Tara Grinstead from her missing persons flyer: "Tara disappeared from her home and has not been heard from since Saturday, October 22. On October 24, 2005 at 8:50am a report was made to the Ocilla (Georgia) Police Department by neighbors and co-workers who were concerned about her well being. Tara did not show up for work and they were unable to reach her. The last known contact with Tara was on Saturday October 22, 2005 at approx. 11:00 pm. There is no known description of the clothing she was wearing when she disappeared. Her house was locked and her car is parked at her home. The only items known to be missing are her purse and keys."

After reading information on this case from various sites, it is clear that she knew the person she left with. There were no signs of a struggle in her home & she had most likely returned home from the beauty pageant, where was last seen at 11pm. She didnt have her phone with her so I would only assume she left in a hurry & forgot it or she was not planning on going out long... BUT... then I read the lamp in her bedroom was smashed and the alarm clock knocked over. Apparently, Tara was a 'tidy' girl so this kind of unattended mess would be entirely unlike her. What happened to Tara?

Steve Huff writes a good article on Tara's disappearance- so check it out!
America's Most Wanted- "Former Beauty Queen Vanishes"
Crime Library- Tara Grinstead feature by Steve Huff

Pamela Vitale Murder

I was listening to Nancy Grace last night & heard the "new" theory about how Scott Dyleski's dog was hit by a car and this could have been why he murdered Pamela Vitale... I have to wonder if the media reps are reading blogs.
Here is why. The bloggers were discussing this theory a few days prior to Nancy Grace reporting as 'breaking news.' I have become somewhat of a blog-aholic for this reason... you get all the news before the news! It is amazing what some people dig up...
Steve Huff appeared on Rita Cosby last night to discuss this case. We also got a look at some pictures of Scott courtesy of The Cellar.

Make it a great day :)